70min Gratitude
Choose to up level you energy by calling in a felt sensation of gratitude. A challenging standing series of Warrior III, Straight-Leg Parsvottasana, Revolved Parsvottasana and Revolved Ardha Chandrasana.
Playlist: Determination
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your ...
Alignment with Range
Encompass the concept of range: drawing inward to connect with Self, simultaneously that same quality of energy that has the capacity to expand outward into your external. This alignment of internal with external is the source of joy. Feel the range of dimensions as you flow through a variety of ...
Use this practice to tune into your central power source, recognize your limitations and strengthen your self-worth as a fierce way to express to others how to treat you.
Playlist: Letting Go
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist...
Greet and feel your physical endurance to expand your tolerance towards another or circumstance in which your beliefs/practices differ from your own. This challenging practice encourages you to embody the discourse that may surface from holding the postures longer than usual, surfacing an energy ...
Divine Order
Learn to listen for intuitive direction beneath an uncertainty or obstacle within your reality, deepening your faith in the Divine Order of things.
Playlist: In-Formation
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing an...
Interplay: Stillness and Movement
Command architectural stillness to experience the internal movements of the mind. Consciousness experiencing itself.
Playlist: In-Formation
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement exercises / breathwor...
Enliven Spaciousness
Poise your structure to greet and enliven the spaciousness within; as your physical body is actually 99.99% formless space. Slight variation within triangle and side plank to open and generate more internal space.
Playlist: Reflection
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always cons...
Surrender and Acceptance
When you notice the forcing and struggling against, an opportunity for you to surrender and embrace what is. Variation of Runners Lunge and Extended Side Angle to flush lymph nodes; Holding at length Utkatasana and Goddess to fuel resistance in order to surrender.
Playlist: Empathy
Profile on S... -
In this full body practice discover that by consciously calling in an elevated emotion of joy, you not only move into an energetic state of receptivity, but gimpse into the here and now. En-joy the challenge of a strong Extended Side Angle and the playfulness within the variations of Navasana and...
Steady into Smoothness
Iron out any internal fear by building awareness within how smooth you can breathe. And when we breathe in this deliberate way, it lends itself to smooth speech, smooth transitions and great steadiness.
Playlist: In-Formation
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your p...
Resiliency depends upon our ability to be actively conscious. To actively listen to the subconscious trance - how thinking mind generates the difficulty - space is created to enable choice.
Playlist: Resilience
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or heal...
Learn to forgive yourself for shortcomings and resentments is a fierce way to surrender resistance and welcome freedom.
Playlist: Mellowish
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement exercises / breathwo...
Cultivate a state of peace deep within yourself to pacify and nourish the areas within your reality that are noisy and emotionally unsettled.
Playlist: Telepathy
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement...
Consciously Change A Pattern
This essential practice acknowledges a current habitual tendency that is withholding your capacity to fully be You. Create new neural pathways from crossing limbs and connect with your Self beyond your conditioning.
Playlist: Mellowish
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always cons...