70min Gratitude
YOGA | 60-75min
1h 8m
Choose to up level you energy by calling in a felt sensation of gratitude. A challenging standing series of Warrior III, Straight-Leg Parsvottasana, Revolved Parsvottasana and Revolved Ardha Chandrasana.
Playlist: Determination
Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault
You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement exercises / breathwork if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or have physical conditions. The instruction is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice.
Up Next in YOGA | 60-75min
Alignment with Range
Encompass the concept of range: drawing inward to connect with Self, simultaneously that same quality of energy that has the capacity to expand outward into your external. This alignment of internal with external is the source of joy. Feel the range of dimensions as you flow through a variety of ...
Use this practice to tune into your central power source, recognize your limitations and strengthen your self-worth as a fierce way to express to others how to treat you.
Playlist: Letting Go
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist...
Greet and feel your physical endurance to expand your tolerance towards another or circumstance in which your beliefs/practices differ from your own. This challenging practice encourages you to embody the discourse that may surface from holding the postures longer than usual, surfacing an energy ...