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Divine Order

YOGA | 60-75min • 1h 12m

Up Next in YOGA | 60-75min

  • Interplay: Stillness and Movement

    Command architectural stillness to experience the internal movements of the mind. Consciousness experiencing itself.

    Playlist: In-Formation
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault

    You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement exercises / breathwor...

  • Enliven Spaciousness

    Poise your structure to greet and enliven the spaciousness within; as your physical body is actually 99.99% formless space. Slight variation within triangle and side plank to open and generate more internal space.

    Playlist: Reflection
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault

    You should always cons...

  • Surrender and Acceptance

    When you notice the forcing and struggling against, an opportunity for you to surrender and embrace what is. Variation of Runners Lunge and Extended Side Angle to flush lymph nodes; Holding at length Utkatasana and Goddess to fuel resistance in order to surrender.

    Playlist: Empathy
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