GENTLE YOGA | 20-30 min

  • 29min Gentle Flow with Meaning

    A gentle yoga flow to embody that which holds significance for you.

    You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement exercises / breathwork if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or have physical conditions. The instruction is in no way intende...

  • Definite Purpose

    This gentle flow incorporates various lateral side stretches, standing Utkatasana and High Lunge with passive resting Pigeon in between. Breath of Fire will stimulate your centre of power, while reinforcing the question, "What is my purpose?".

  • This Moment

    "This moment in front of you has absolutely nothing to do with you... it's just another moment in the Universe that exists even when you are not aware of it. Its completely impersonal" - Michael A. Singer

    Continue to return to box breathing while holding postures such as Uttanasana and Sarvanga...

  • Grace

    Welcome a quality of grace as you encourage your physical body to move within and through forearm pilate work//plank, a modified Camel and a subtle seated wide-legged twist. Watch as you expand your breathing, you stabilize your stance emotionally.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. ...

  • Clarity

    Stretch and lengthen as you slowly move through hamstring stretch, variations of Puppy pose, bound Warrior II and bound Revolved Warrior. Sense how attentive breathing returns you to an inner clarity that is your centering force.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile o...

  • Sovereignty

    Nourish the lower back with gentle standing spinal twists. As you do so, sense how your breathing is releasing and dependence or subjection that is obstructing your sovereignty from radiating through.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault


  • Lighten

    This practice encourages steady continuous movement between Virabhadrasana I and Parsvottasana, while placing full attention on the breath to lighten any heaviness.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault

    You should always consult your physic...

  • Now-ness

    Allow your breathing to carry you into the here and now, as you ease yourself in both standing and prone Vrksasana.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault

    You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing a...

  • Softening

    Spread softness through your entire form physically and mentally as you hold Extended Side Angle, Triangle and Lizard as well as a playful Revolved Ardha Virasana twist.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault

    You should always consult your ...

  • Embody

    Practice a 16 second boxed breath count while in Cobra and Locust to embody an inner state of ease.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault

    You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement ex...

  • Awareness

    This practice encourages the spine to twist in lunge, half monkey and pigeon. Stagnant energy is flushed from the internal organs, refining a subtle awareness of spaciousness upon the exhalation.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault

    You sh...

  • Returning

    This soothing flow crosses the limbs to aid brain coherency and balance energy within and through the left and right cavities. A returning to the breath invites you to internally self-observe and hold attention.

    Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
    Profile on Spotify: Erica.A...