GENTLE YOGA | 20-30 min
This practice encourages steady continuous movement between Virabhadrasana I and Parsvottasana, while placing full attention on the breath to lighten any heaviness.
Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault
You should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement exercises / breathwork if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or have physical conditions. The instruction is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice.
Up Next in GENTLE YOGA | 20-30 min
Allow your breathing to carry you into the here and now, as you ease yourself in both standing and prone Vrksasana.
Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing a...
Spread softness through your entire form physically and mentally as you hold Extended Side Angle, Triangle and Lizard as well as a playful Revolved Ardha Virasana twist.
Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your ...
Practice a 16 second boxed breath count while in Cobra and Locust to embody an inner state of ease.
Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | Soothe
Profile on Spotify: Erica.ArsenaultYou should always consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any movement ex...