Etheric Cord-Cutting
This short visualization calls in the protection of Archangel Michael help release any unhealthy fear-based energy that is conflicting and draining your own. Continue to practice this meditation daily until the energy between you and another is neutralized.
Deepen Self Awareness | Tara Brach
A guided meditation from Tara Brach's book Radical Compassion for you to tend well to the beliefs and experiences that are generating internal pain.
Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | East Forest
Meditation to Affirm Being
This mantra meditation affirms your infinite being as creative. Identify and clear perceived limitations to birth your Soul’s expression into form.
Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | East Forest
Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault -
The Master Meditation | Deepak Chopra
A guided meditation from Deepak Chopra's book Total Meditation, encourages you to connect with your senses to expand your field of Being.
Playlist: Restorative. Meditation. Breathwork. | East Forest
Profile on Spotify: Erica.Arsenault